Tuesday, December 17, 2013

You Need Others – Day 321

You Need Others
Day 321

How many people are praying for you regularly? You need other people, and you especially need their prayers.

Barbara Johnson says, “Right when you’re down in the middle of the pain and you’re going through this, that’s when you have to say, ‘Hey, I’m a Christian, but I’m really hurting. I need you to pray for me, and I need you to love me because right now I’m not effective as a Christian. I just can’t be bubbling out about how joyful I am. I will in time, but right now I need you to comfort me and I need God’s love to comfort me.’”

When you first lost your loved one, you likely had several people praying for you and your family. But what about now? What about now when the grief is still deep and everyone seems to expect you to have bounced back into life?

Call a friend who will quietly listen and who will pray. Be sure to ask people for their prayers. They might not think to offer if the topic is not brought up!

“I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers” (Philemon 1:4).

Comfort me with Your love, O Lord. Thank You for the prayers that are being said for me. Amen. 

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