Tuesday, December 17, 2013

A New Family – Day 320

A New Family
Day 320

When you become part of a church, you become part of a family, God’s family. Believers of Jesus Christ will rally together in love and support for those in need.

“I don’t think we would have made it through without family support, without the church family,” says Betty, whose daughter-in-law died. “Here it is fifteen months later, and our church family is still supporting us. The Sunday school class brought in meals for three months. The women came in and helped me with the children.

“I literally quit my job and moved in with my son to look after the children. Those two o’clock feedings for a grandma are not easy. The women would come in from nine to three to help me so that I could catch up with my sleep and keep up. The meals kept coming in.”

If you did not receive this kind of support from your church, let your pastor or a church leader know your needs. The church body cannot help if they are not aware of your needs. This is not the time to say you have everything under control, because you don’t.

Let yourself be ministered to by your church family, and you, in turn, can provide help for someone else at a different time.

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers” (Galatians 6:10).

Savior God, my church family is such a blessing to me. Free me to accept their help with sincere appreciation. Amen. 

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