Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Look for the Exceptions - Day 231

Look for the Exceptions
Day 231

Think of something good that has happened to you lately. If you do not feel you can label anything as good, think instead of the "exceptions" to your sorrow.  Think of any times this past week when you were not focused on your sorrow. What were you doing during those times?

"The mind can't occupy itself with two thoughts at a time," says Jim Grassi. "If you focus on those things that are good and pure and right and fun and new and exciting and challenging, it's going to be harder for those other thoughts to seep into your head."

Your healing journey will contain positives, or exceptions to the negative, as you continue forward. Teach yourself to recognize these forward steps.

"A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps" (Proverbs 14:15).

Lord, I know I cannot walk aimlessly through grief; it is too tangled and torturous. Show me the positive steps I have made so far so I can be encouraged by them. Amen. 

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