Monday, September 9, 2013

Frozen in Grief – Day 226

Frozen in Grief
Day 226

Grief freezes you in a place; it freezes your emotions, and it can become so bad that you are trapped in a prison of your own making.

In the North when the first frost of the season comes, the lakes begin to ice over. At this point the ice can still be broken or thawed. But as the winter season progresses, layers of ice build up until the lake is so solid that even a truck can drive across it.

Dr. John Trent uses this image to help us understand how, over time, you can become frozen in layer after layer of grief if you do not deal with your emotions and your negative mental images as they come. He says, “You get all those images and pictures built up, and the ice can be thick. So whether you’re frozen or whether you’re stuck, the key to thawing things out is like how the spring comes. It comes when we turn the warmth of the sun, in this case God’s Son, on those negative pictures.”

For each negative emotion, each image that plays and replays itself in your mind, you must express it and let God’s Son melt it with His love.

“He sends his word and melts them; he stirs up his breezes, and the waters flow” (Psalm 147:18).

Heavenly God, shine Your Sonlight on my thoughts and emotions today. Thaw this block of ice that imprisons me, and free me to move again. Amen.

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