Friday, November 1, 2013

Your Home Is Not Here - Day 276

Your Home Is Not Here
Day 276

Faith not only empowers you to get through your difficulties, but it also assures you of a coming day when tears and sorrows are no more. Faith recognizes that this world is not your ultimate home.

"There's a longing in my soul that requires me to look up, requires me to say, 'This isn't all there is,' because it isn't enough," says Dr. Larry Crabb.  "When I am hurting, others come up with formulas and the procedures to do this and this and this and then I will be fine. My answer is this: I'll never be fine until I'm home."

What does the word home typically mean to you? Know that you were created for a different home, a better home, an eternal home with God. This life here is not all there is.

"Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heave, not built by human hands" (2 Corinthians 5:1).

Heavenly Father, may I fix my eyes on You and not get dragged down by the struggles within me and around me. Please give me a taste of what is to come so I can make it through. Amen. 

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