Monday, November 11, 2013

Get a Pet - Day 292

Get a Pet
Day 292

Statistics show that people who have a pet to care for live longer and have fewer health problems. Get a pet. It will become a new area of emotional investment.

"I came home to two schnauzers," says Bruce, whose wife died, "and they have been really good. They've been a lot of work, but I hope that they're learning as much as I am. We're good friends now, and they've helped through the loneliness. They give me something other than pictures and things to talk to. I tell them about my wife."

If you haven't visited a pet store lately, you might be surprised at the variety of animals you can have as pets. Perhaps you aren't a dog or cat person; consider having a rabbit, a lizard, a hamster, or a fish. A pet provides companionship and someone to talk to. (Pets are excellent listeners.) Pick a pet that fits your lifestyle because pets are a responsibility-, but are usually worth the effort!

You might also consider visiting your local animal shelter or dog pound. They are always looking for loving homes for their animals.

Pets are not specifically mentioned in the Bible, but it does say, "A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal" (Proverbs 12:10).

You may already have a pet. If not, would you pray the following prayer?

Lord, please help me find an animal to take care of. Amen. 

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