Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Help Others Stuck in Grief - Day 249

Help Others Stuck in Grief 
Day 249

You may feel so weak and needy that it seems impossible you would have anything to give. But there are people around you who need your help. Don't withhold that word of encouragement, that phone call, that friendly note. There is a place for your ministry too.

"Everyone is wounded," says Rev. Noel Castellanos, "and one of the incredible things about the Christian life is that God can take wounded people and turn them into givers and ministers in spite of the woundedness.

"I think one of the tragedies I've seen is when people focus so much on their own hurt that they can never look outside of themselves to see how they can use their hurt to minister to somebody else."

Think of someone today who could use an encouraging word. Call or send a card to that person.

"He will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work" (2 Timothy 2:21).

Great God, may I think of others first and stop focusing on myself. Amen. 

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