Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Giving Thanks - Day 255

Giving Thanks
Day 255

"In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" (1 Thessalonians 5:18 NASB).

This Bible verse is sometimes misconstrued. It doesn't say to give thanks for all situations, but in all situations -- big difference.

When you seek God in prayer and through His Word, you learn about His attributes, and you come to know His complete love and faithfulness and rise above the situation as you see it. Here is where you are truly thankful.

According to Dr. Bill Bright, "His ways are so far beyond your ways, you can't even comprehend; therefore, when problems arise you can say, 'God loves me. Nothing happens to me that is not filtered through His love; therefore, by faith on the authority of God's Word and what I know about God, I can say all things that happen to me are for my good and for God's glory.' God makes no mistakes. God honors your expression of faith when you say 'thank you' through your tears with broken hearts. When you trust Him, He turns tragedy to triumph. That is where you learn."

Lord, thank you for Your faithfulness to me and Your patience with me. Thank you that You are in control. Amen. 

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