Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Adversity: Unlock the Doors - Day 259

Adversity: Unlock the Doors
Day 259

A Christian's troubles advance God's purposes, purposes only He can fully understand. As a human, you try so hard to understand. But if God could be fully understood, where's the power and sovereignty in that? What would make Him any different than just another smart human? He is above all; His ways are so perfect that a mere human could not possibly understand on this side of heaven. This is why you can place your absolute trust and your life in Him, despite the pain and the heartache.

Because He is the God above all, when you get to heaven and see the world from His point of view, you will be astounded by the perfection of His loving plan.

Dr. Richard Bewes says, "The world outside doesn't understand that. The world outside tends to see adversity as a dead end. We don't, not in the Christian church. Christians see it as a gateway to progress, to advancement with the knowledge of God, to the very kingdom of God itself."

Reach through the pain to grasp hold of the knowledge of God.

"So that no one would be disturbed by these afflictions; for you yourselves know that we have been destined for this" (Thessalonians 3:3 NASB).

"Through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of the God" (Acts 14:22 NASB).

God, I reach past the oppression of this world and cling to You. You are the almighty sovereign Lord. Amen.

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