Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Goodness of God - Day 204

The Goodness of God
Day 204

Can you truly say that God is good?

"One of the worst things you can do as a Christian is to go around with this plasticized mask on saying, 'I love God, and He's so good,' when your heart is breaking inside," says Dr. Joseph Stowell.

"Sometimes you may say, 'God is good,' with tears running down your cheeks, but He is good, and He will see you through, and He never wastes your sorrows. He didn't waste the sorrows of His Son on the cross. He won't waste your sorrows. He, by His magnificent power, will transform them into that which is good -- that which brings gain to the kingdom and glory to His name."

Everything God does is good. believe this with your heart, and hold on to this truth for unfailing strength in times of sorrow.

"Why do you call me good?' Jesus answered. 'No one is good - except God alone'" (Luke 18:19).

Lord God, I cannot pretend that everything is fine, that everything is good because it's not. But I want to be completely truthful when I say that You, God, are good. Amen. 

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