Thursday, August 15, 2013

He Gives Himself - Day 199

He Gives Himself
Day 199

Because God sees your real need, He wants to give you an answer far better than the answers you seek. You may demand reasons and explanations, but what you need is something more -- you need the Lord. 

"For in him we live and more and have our being" (Acts 17:28).

Think about the astounding reality of this Bible verse. God is all sufficient for you. Your very being is in Him. You need Him for survival; you do not need answers. 

Joni Eareckson Tada says, "Because God is at the center of the universe holding it all together, and because everything in Him moves and breathes and has its being, He can do no more than give Himself. To do anything less is to be less than Himself. Why seek pat, dry, formulized answers when you can actually receive the flesh-and-blood reality of the love of God?"

God would not be God if He were not sufficient for everyone.

God of life, I need You. My loved ones need You. Help me to place You first and ask questions only after I have done so. Amen. 

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