A Relationship With God
Day 212
The Lord wants so much more than to just visit you during a difficult time in your life. He wants to be involved in your life forever. This is the purpose for which you were born.
"Salvation is a gift. You need to ask Jesus for it. He has died and paid the price. But unless you ask Him to be your Savior and Lord, you do not have a relationship with Him," says Dee Brestin.
In order to be saved from this bleak existence, you must first believe and then ask. Salvation is not something you earn; it is a free gift of God.
"Until now you have asked for nothing in My name; ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be made full" (John 16:24 NASB).
Savior God, my life has been a specific purpose in You. Help me to live out that purpose. Amen.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Source of True Healing - Day 211
Source of True Healing
Day 211
"Without a relationship with Christ, healing in every case will be superficial," says Dr. Larry Crabb. "I just can't face the depth of my pain without knowing Christ. Knowing Christ there's always hope. And the deeper the pain, the clearer the hope actually can become.
"Without Christ, I can't face it. I can only face what a pill can solve. I can only face what an affair can solve. I can only face what drinking too much or eating too much or spending too much or crying a lot or watching TV or reading or watching soap operas can solve, which isn't real to me."
Think of the actions or activities that you have been pursuing in an effort to alleviate the pain. Christ's healing love will always go deeper than anything you could find on this earth. With Christ, there is forgiveness and hope, no matter how hard the struggle, no matter how deep the pain, no matter how unforgivable you may feel.
Read this miraculous promise that is available for all who call on the name of Jesus:
"By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through him that has given this complete healing to him, as you can all see" (Acts 3:16).
God, I try to escape the pain through a myriad of activities from busyness to tears. But the reality of my healing is found in You. Amen.
Your Spiritual Life - Day 210
Your Spiritual Life
Day 210
Perhaps you have not explored your spiritual life in too much detail. You may feel uncomfortable doing so, or maybe you don't know where to start.
Begin with the prayer "God, is there something more for me?"
"Then listen for His answer in His Word," suggests Joni Eareckson Tada. "Begin reading the Psalms, which are written by men inspired by the Lord of the universe, full of emotional heartache, turmoil, doubt, anxiety, and fear. Let God speak to you through those Psalms. Then go to the gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I would suggest starting with the book of John. Read about this God in flesh, this Jesus who walked on earth. Read about the way He reached out to the widow, the hurting child, the mother with a fever, and the single woman scorned at the well. Read about His love for these individuals, and you will know and feel His love the same."
Discover the wonders of a relationship with the Lord Jesus. Become actively involved in reading His Word, and listen with your heart.
"And he said to me, 'Son of man, listen carefully and take to heart all the words I speak to you'" (Ezekiel 3:10).
Lord, I want to be tuned in to You, but my mind is so easily filled with clutter. Speak to me in Your Word, and teach me to listen. Amen.
Is God Interested? - Day 209
Is God Interested?
Day 209
God is a supreme being who is interested in and concerned about you, and He wants to be involved in the process of your healing. This is amazing.
"Think of who God is," said Dr. Bill Bright. "Astronomers tell us there are over a hundred billion galaxies separated by trillions of light years, and this God, who created it all, became a man: the God/man Jesus of Nazareth. He died on the cross for us, and it is all a gift. It is awesome, that this great, holy, Creator, God of the universe should care."
It is so difficult for our limited human minds to embrace the greatness of God and of His ultimate plan. It is difficult to move out of a self-centered existence.
"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you are for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor" (Psalm 8:3-5).
Amazing God, turn my inward-looking eyes outward to You. You are interested in all that goes on in my life -- my emotions, fears, disappointments and confusions-- and You want to heal me through Christ. Thank you. Amen.
If God is Good, Why ...? - Day 208
If God is Good, Why ...?
Day 208
Grief often brings with it theological questions. Why did God allow this or cause this to happen? Why now? Why to this person? Moral issues often arise out of the cauldron of emotions of grief. A sense of outrage is embedded in the grieving process, especially when children and good people die, sometimes cerating an inner demand for justice.
Dr. Ray Pritchard says, "There are questions for which answers are hidden in the mind and heart of a loving God. All we can say is this: God has so designed the moral universe that, as the Bible says, the rain falls on the just and the unjust.
"We live in a fallen world, a world that's distorted by sin, and ever since sin entered the human race in the Garden of Eden there has been sin, sickness, pain, suffering, and death. So I don't think anyone will be able to know why one child gets cancer, why one marriage breaks up, why one person loses his job and another is promoted. Sometimes we'll come up with superficial answers, but truly I've discovered that the deeper and more heartrending the question, the harder it is to come up with an answer on a human level."
While God does not always give answers to your questions, He always gives Himself. You can focus your attention instead on the faithfulness of God, His Comfort, and His promise to work all things together for good (Romans 8:28). You can trust Him when you do not have all the answers.
"He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous" (Matthew 5:45).
Lord God, even though I do not understand why, I know I don't need these answers in order to move on. Your ways and Your thoughts are truly higher than mine. Amen.
Day 208
Grief often brings with it theological questions. Why did God allow this or cause this to happen? Why now? Why to this person? Moral issues often arise out of the cauldron of emotions of grief. A sense of outrage is embedded in the grieving process, especially when children and good people die, sometimes cerating an inner demand for justice.
Dr. Ray Pritchard says, "There are questions for which answers are hidden in the mind and heart of a loving God. All we can say is this: God has so designed the moral universe that, as the Bible says, the rain falls on the just and the unjust.
"We live in a fallen world, a world that's distorted by sin, and ever since sin entered the human race in the Garden of Eden there has been sin, sickness, pain, suffering, and death. So I don't think anyone will be able to know why one child gets cancer, why one marriage breaks up, why one person loses his job and another is promoted. Sometimes we'll come up with superficial answers, but truly I've discovered that the deeper and more heartrending the question, the harder it is to come up with an answer on a human level."
While God does not always give answers to your questions, He always gives Himself. You can focus your attention instead on the faithfulness of God, His Comfort, and His promise to work all things together for good (Romans 8:28). You can trust Him when you do not have all the answers.
"He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous" (Matthew 5:45).
Lord God, even though I do not understand why, I know I don't need these answers in order to move on. Your ways and Your thoughts are truly higher than mine. Amen.
Conclusion in God's Hands - Day 207
Conclusion in God's Hands
Day 207
You must trust in the mercy and justice of God. If you leave a matter in His hands, you can trust Him to do what is right.
God really does give you important answers, but often not the answers you were expecting. If you trust in Him, He will give you the answers you need.
"I have to trust in Him because I don't understand why things have happened, but I know that He holds the future," says Heidi, whose husband was killed.
God gives you answers and the greatest answer He ever gave is in His Son Jesus. It is when you have Jesus in your life that you are best equipped to find answers and to find the healing that you need.
"I call on the Lord in my distress, and he answers me" (Psalm 120:1).
Lord, I will continually call on You, and I will trust You to answer my cries. Amen.
Day 207
You must trust in the mercy and justice of God. If you leave a matter in His hands, you can trust Him to do what is right.
God really does give you important answers, but often not the answers you were expecting. If you trust in Him, He will give you the answers you need.
"I have to trust in Him because I don't understand why things have happened, but I know that He holds the future," says Heidi, whose husband was killed.
God gives you answers and the greatest answer He ever gave is in His Son Jesus. It is when you have Jesus in your life that you are best equipped to find answers and to find the healing that you need.
"I call on the Lord in my distress, and he answers me" (Psalm 120:1).
Lord, I will continually call on You, and I will trust You to answer my cries. Amen.
Only God Knows - Day 206
Only God Knows
Day 206
You may have extra heaviness of heart because you are concerned that your lost loved one did not know Christ and that you will not see him or her in heaven. Remember, no one on earth can know another person's heart of eternal destiny. Only God knows that.
Keep a proper perspective as you work through this.
Dr. Joseph Stowell says: "The most important thing to remember is that God is fair and just and wise and loving. Whatever He does with your loved one will be fair and wise and just and loving. God cannot deny Himself. You do not know what your loved one did in that last flickering moment of life in the quietness of his or her soul. Just give your worries to God and say, 'God, You are a fair, loving, wise, just God, and my loved one is Yours, and whatever You do with him or her, I know that someday I will praise You for the wisdom of that decision.'"
It is through the grace of God that people can receive eternal life. We, as fallen humans, cannot fully understand grace. Grace is an undeserved gift of life from God to man. How fortunate we are to have such a loving God.
"Just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 5:21).
Lord God, I cannot know the eternal destiny of my loved one for sure, but I do praise You and thank you for Your gift of grace. You have compassion on me, no matter how undeserving I may be. Thank you for this reassurance. Amen.
He is Faithful - Day 205
He is Faithful
Day 205
The Lord is faithful to you. He will not desert you.
"God, are you really here or what?" asked Shelly after the death of her son.
She says, "I'm so glad that I came out of that. There was just a faith that surged up and said, 'Yes, You are; You've always been there; You always will be. God, You're doing something here. And I know I'm not ready to see all of it right now, so help me walk in the healing that I have today.'"
So many things are overwhelming right now. Just remember to take one step at a time, one day at a time.
Join the psalmist David in this prayer to the Lord: "O Lord, do not forsake me; be not far from me, O my God. Come quickly to help me, O Lord, my Savior" (Psalm 38:21-22). Amen.
Day 205
The Lord is faithful to you. He will not desert you.
"God, are you really here or what?" asked Shelly after the death of her son.
She says, "I'm so glad that I came out of that. There was just a faith that surged up and said, 'Yes, You are; You've always been there; You always will be. God, You're doing something here. And I know I'm not ready to see all of it right now, so help me walk in the healing that I have today.'"
So many things are overwhelming right now. Just remember to take one step at a time, one day at a time.
Join the psalmist David in this prayer to the Lord: "O Lord, do not forsake me; be not far from me, O my God. Come quickly to help me, O Lord, my Savior" (Psalm 38:21-22). Amen.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
The Goodness of God - Day 204
The Goodness of God
Day 204
Can you truly say that God is good?
"One of the worst things you can do as a Christian is to go around with this plasticized mask on saying, 'I love God, and He's so good,' when your heart is breaking inside," says Dr. Joseph Stowell.
"Sometimes you may say, 'God is good,' with tears running down your cheeks, but He is good, and He will see you through, and He never wastes your sorrows. He didn't waste the sorrows of His Son on the cross. He won't waste your sorrows. He, by His magnificent power, will transform them into that which is good -- that which brings gain to the kingdom and glory to His name."
Everything God does is good. believe this with your heart, and hold on to this truth for unfailing strength in times of sorrow.
"Why do you call me good?' Jesus answered. 'No one is good - except God alone'" (Luke 18:19).
Lord God, I cannot pretend that everything is fine, that everything is good because it's not. But I want to be completely truthful when I say that You, God, are good. Amen.
Day 204
Can you truly say that God is good?
"One of the worst things you can do as a Christian is to go around with this plasticized mask on saying, 'I love God, and He's so good,' when your heart is breaking inside," says Dr. Joseph Stowell.
"Sometimes you may say, 'God is good,' with tears running down your cheeks, but He is good, and He will see you through, and He never wastes your sorrows. He didn't waste the sorrows of His Son on the cross. He won't waste your sorrows. He, by His magnificent power, will transform them into that which is good -- that which brings gain to the kingdom and glory to His name."
Everything God does is good. believe this with your heart, and hold on to this truth for unfailing strength in times of sorrow.
"Why do you call me good?' Jesus answered. 'No one is good - except God alone'" (Luke 18:19).
Lord God, I cannot pretend that everything is fine, that everything is good because it's not. But I want to be completely truthful when I say that You, God, are good. Amen.
The Sovereignty of God - Day 203
The Sovereignty of God
Day 203
One who is sovereign has supreme power, authority, and excellence over all. Name a person on this earth who could possibly fit the above description.
God alone is sovereign. Root yourself in this truth.
"The most singular important truth I've ever learned is what my God is like, and that is what holds me," says Kay Arthur, whose husband took his life. "My God is sovereign. He rules over all. When God gets ready to move, no one can stop Him from moving. And no one can say unto Him, 'What doest thou?' because what He does is perfect. It doesn't look perfect, but He's over all and there are no accidents. So when my husband died, the truth that held me together was the sovereignty of God."
In Daniel 4, God casts King Nebuchadnezzar out of a position of wealth and authority because the king attributed the greatness of his kingdom to his own power. When the king finally realized and acknowledged that God alone was sovereign, God restored him to the throne, and Nebuchadnezzar's life became even better than it was before.
At the end of that time, I , Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my sanity was restored. Then I praised the Most High; I honored and glorified him who lives forever. His dominion is an eternal dominion; his kingdom endures from generation to generation. All the peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as he pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth. No one can hold back his hand or say to him: 'What have you done?' ... Everything he does is right and all his ways are just." (Daniel 4:34-35, 37).
God, Your ways are just and right. I do not understand it, but I must believe it. Amen .
Trust His Character - Day 202
Trust His Character
Day 201
How do you perceive God? Who is He to you?
"Get solidly in your mind who God is," said Dr. E. V. Hill. "He is not a smart man somewhere who finished from Yale or Harvard who is trying to figure out day-to-day problems for people -- He is the eternal I AM. He is the eternal last word. And He is love.
"So when He does something or permits something to happen, you are the one who has to wade through all of this human thinking of what God should have done. God is the Answer. It has been my experience that if you continue to have faith and continue to stay at your post, God somehow will explain it to you. He doesn't have to, but I've seen it over and over. I've seen people come up to me and say, 'Pastor, it's been a long time, but I'm beginning to see now. I'm beginning to see.'"
God is the answer to every question and every need.
"God said to Moses, 'I AM WHO I AM'; and He said, 'Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, I AM has sent me to you" (Exodus 3:14 NASB).
The New American Standard Bible (Zondervan 1999) explains that "I AM WHO I AM" in Exodus 3:14 is the name that expresses God's character as the dependable and faithful God who desires the full trust of His people.
God, I want to know You and trust You as the eternal I AM. May I find security and rest in this all-encompassing aspect of your character. Amen.
Day 201
How do you perceive God? Who is He to you?
"Get solidly in your mind who God is," said Dr. E. V. Hill. "He is not a smart man somewhere who finished from Yale or Harvard who is trying to figure out day-to-day problems for people -- He is the eternal I AM. He is the eternal last word. And He is love.
"So when He does something or permits something to happen, you are the one who has to wade through all of this human thinking of what God should have done. God is the Answer. It has been my experience that if you continue to have faith and continue to stay at your post, God somehow will explain it to you. He doesn't have to, but I've seen it over and over. I've seen people come up to me and say, 'Pastor, it's been a long time, but I'm beginning to see now. I'm beginning to see.'"
God is the answer to every question and every need.
"God said to Moses, 'I AM WHO I AM'; and He said, 'Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, I AM has sent me to you" (Exodus 3:14 NASB).
The New American Standard Bible (Zondervan 1999) explains that "I AM WHO I AM" in Exodus 3:14 is the name that expresses God's character as the dependable and faithful God who desires the full trust of His people.
God, I want to know You and trust You as the eternal I AM. May I find security and rest in this all-encompassing aspect of your character. Amen.
He Sympathizes with Your Sorrows - Day 201
He Sympathizes with Your Sorrows
Day 201
The Lord Jesus Christ knows what you are going through. No one else can make this claim.
"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are -- yet was without sin" (Hebrews 4:15).
Jesus Christ came to this earth and experienced life from a human perspective. The Bible says He was tempted in every way; therefore, He can sympathize with all of your weaknesses. He knows your pain.
Anne Graham Lotz says, "It's a wonderful comfort to know that our Lord Jesus Christ is not indifferent to our pain. He's not oblivious to it. It's not that He doesn't care. He's up there at the right hand of the Father, ever living to pray for us in the midst of our suffering and difficulty. He's someone who suffered, and He's someone who has had problems, and He knows how to pray for us."
Lord Jesus, pray for me. Surround me with Your constant prayers. Amen.
Day 201
The Lord Jesus Christ knows what you are going through. No one else can make this claim.
"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are -- yet was without sin" (Hebrews 4:15).
Jesus Christ came to this earth and experienced life from a human perspective. The Bible says He was tempted in every way; therefore, He can sympathize with all of your weaknesses. He knows your pain.
Anne Graham Lotz says, "It's a wonderful comfort to know that our Lord Jesus Christ is not indifferent to our pain. He's not oblivious to it. It's not that He doesn't care. He's up there at the right hand of the Father, ever living to pray for us in the midst of our suffering and difficulty. He's someone who suffered, and He's someone who has had problems, and He knows how to pray for us."
Lord Jesus, pray for me. Surround me with Your constant prayers. Amen.
A Sharpened Focus - Day 200
A Sharpened Focus
Day 200
"When you know that this life is not all there is," says Anne Graham Lotz, "and you know that one day you are going to be standing before God giving an account of your life, and you know that there is a great big eternity out there when we are going to worship the Lamb and forever glorify Him, it gives you a seriousness about life now. It sharpens your focus and motivates you to live every moment of your life fully to the glory of God."
Train yourself to focus on eternity. Focus on the big picture, not on your own limited life on earth.
In some ways you probably feel more unfocused than you have ever felt in your life, as if you are walking around in a constant fog of grief. In other ways you may feel more alert than every because you are observing life from a completely different perspective. Many things -- from the simple to the complex -- take on a different meaning or level of importance to you. Sharpen your focus on the God of eternity by reading His Word daily. Stop trying to handle your tumultuous life alone.
"If the axe is dull and he does not sharpen its edge, then he must exert more strength. Wisdom has the advantage of giving success" (Ecclesiastes 10:10 NASB).
Eternal God, grant me the wisdom and the focus to recommit my days to You. Help me to understand the seriousness of following Your eternal plan as written in the Bible. Amen.
He Gives Himself - Day 199
He Gives Himself
Day 199
Because God sees your real need, He wants to give you an answer far better than the answers you seek. You may demand reasons and explanations, but what you need is something more -- you need the Lord.
"For in him we live and more and have our being" (Acts 17:28).
Think about the astounding reality of this Bible verse. God is all sufficient for you. Your very being is in Him. You need Him for survival; you do not need answers.
Joni Eareckson Tada says, "Because God is at the center of the universe holding it all together, and because everything in Him moves and breathes and has its being, He can do no more than give Himself. To do anything less is to be less than Himself. Why seek pat, dry, formulized answers when you can actually receive the flesh-and-blood reality of the love of God?"
God would not be God if He were not sufficient for everyone.
God of life, I need You. My loved ones need You. Help me to place You first and ask questions only after I have done so. Amen.
Future Understanding - Day 198
Future Understanding
Day 198
One answer God give Christians to the question why is the assurance that one day you will be able to see things from His perspective.
"He is going to wipe away those tears by giving you knowledge," states Dr. Erwin Lutzer. "Finally, you shall look at everything from His viewpoint. Finally, you shall rejoice in the justice of God. Finally, you shall see the mercy and the loving kindness of God set against His holiness and His greatness. And when you see that, you will be content."
God is just and good, and His plan is wholly good.
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away" (Revelation 21:4).
God, forgive my impatience; I would rather see Your perspective now. Grant me the wisdom and the patience to wait on You and to trust in Your perfect plan. Amen.
Day 198
One answer God give Christians to the question why is the assurance that one day you will be able to see things from His perspective.
"He is going to wipe away those tears by giving you knowledge," states Dr. Erwin Lutzer. "Finally, you shall look at everything from His viewpoint. Finally, you shall rejoice in the justice of God. Finally, you shall see the mercy and the loving kindness of God set against His holiness and His greatness. And when you see that, you will be content."
God is just and good, and His plan is wholly good.
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away" (Revelation 21:4).
God, forgive my impatience; I would rather see Your perspective now. Grant me the wisdom and the patience to wait on You and to trust in Your perfect plan. Amen.
Remember the Larger Picture - Day 197
Remember the Larger Picture
Day 197
Sometimes when you ask why, He answers by reminding you of the eternal picture. Learn to live your life in light of eternity. Live each day from the perspective of one whose life lasts forever.
Dr. Joseph Stowell says, "I can't underscore enough how important it is to prepare for grief and sorrow ahead of time. One of the ways to do that is to get a grip on eternity, on the world to come. Learn to live here in the light of there so that you are seeing all of your daily affairs and daily routines in light of the world to come. You need to see all of your interactions and reactions and value systems in light of the value systems of the world to come. Then when grief or sudden loss or wrenching sorrow and deep disappointment shatter your world, you are already schooled in all the realities that give you strength in that moment."
There is much more to this life than just doing your best day by day until you die. The big picture is that a glorious eternity is in store for those who know the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
"Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off" (Proverbs 23:18 NASB).
"And this is what he promised us -- even eternal life" (1 John 2:25).
Eternal Savior, thank you that You have given me abundant life through a relationship with You. Every time I get bogged down with life on this earth, remind me of the reality of a glorious, eternal future in heaven. Amen.
Day 197
Sometimes when you ask why, He answers by reminding you of the eternal picture. Learn to live your life in light of eternity. Live each day from the perspective of one whose life lasts forever.
Dr. Joseph Stowell says, "I can't underscore enough how important it is to prepare for grief and sorrow ahead of time. One of the ways to do that is to get a grip on eternity, on the world to come. Learn to live here in the light of there so that you are seeing all of your daily affairs and daily routines in light of the world to come. You need to see all of your interactions and reactions and value systems in light of the value systems of the world to come. Then when grief or sudden loss or wrenching sorrow and deep disappointment shatter your world, you are already schooled in all the realities that give you strength in that moment."
There is much more to this life than just doing your best day by day until you die. The big picture is that a glorious eternity is in store for those who know the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
"Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off" (Proverbs 23:18 NASB).
"And this is what he promised us -- even eternal life" (1 John 2:25).
Eternal Savior, thank you that You have given me abundant life through a relationship with You. Every time I get bogged down with life on this earth, remind me of the reality of a glorious, eternal future in heaven. Amen.
Moving Forward in Faith - Day 196
Moving Forward in Faith
Day 196
In the Psalms you read of men crying out to God with endless questions.
"I cried out to God for help; I cried out to God to hear me. When I was in distress, I sought the Lord; at night I stretched out untiring hands and my soul refused to be comforted. I remembered you, O God, and I groaned; I mused, and my spirit grew faint. You kept my eyes from closing; I was too troubled to speak....
"Will the Lord reject forever? Will he never show his favor again? Has his unfailing love vanished forever? Has his promise failed for all time? Has God forgotten to be merciful? Has he in anger withheld his compassion?" (Psalm 77:1-4, 7-9).
These questions move from cries of despair to cries of praise to God for His faithfulness. The psalmists knew God's faithfulness. They knew that God would not only hear their plea for help, but that He would also be faithful to answer them. They were open and willing to learn from their suffering and to move forward with His help.
"Then I thought, 'To this I appeal: the years of the right hand of the Most High.' I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds. Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is so great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples" (Psalm 77: 10-14).
Dr. Norman Peart encourages you to come to God with your questions and your heart cries and to move forward from that point, discovering what God would have you do for Him. Pray these words of Dr. Peart's:
"Lord, I don't understand. I'm asking You and being very honest with You. Please answer according to Your will, but also, can You show me how I am to deal with this? What would You have me to learn? How would You have me to operate from this point on?" Amen.
Day 196
In the Psalms you read of men crying out to God with endless questions.
"I cried out to God for help; I cried out to God to hear me. When I was in distress, I sought the Lord; at night I stretched out untiring hands and my soul refused to be comforted. I remembered you, O God, and I groaned; I mused, and my spirit grew faint. You kept my eyes from closing; I was too troubled to speak....
"Will the Lord reject forever? Will he never show his favor again? Has his unfailing love vanished forever? Has his promise failed for all time? Has God forgotten to be merciful? Has he in anger withheld his compassion?" (Psalm 77:1-4, 7-9).
These questions move from cries of despair to cries of praise to God for His faithfulness. The psalmists knew God's faithfulness. They knew that God would not only hear their plea for help, but that He would also be faithful to answer them. They were open and willing to learn from their suffering and to move forward with His help.
"Then I thought, 'To this I appeal: the years of the right hand of the Most High.' I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will meditate on all your works and consider all your mighty deeds. Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is so great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples" (Psalm 77: 10-14).
Dr. Norman Peart encourages you to come to God with your questions and your heart cries and to move forward from that point, discovering what God would have you do for Him. Pray these words of Dr. Peart's:
"Lord, I don't understand. I'm asking You and being very honest with You. Please answer according to Your will, but also, can You show me how I am to deal with this? What would You have me to learn? How would You have me to operate from this point on?" Amen.
Understanding God's Ways - Day 195
Understanding God's Ways
Day 195
"Understanding the ways of God with my little finite mind would be like a little corpuscle in my big toe trying to figure what I'm thinking in my mind," said Dr. Bill Bright. "I can trust Him; I don't have to understand."
Why do humans feel the need to understand and to be in control of everything that happens in their lives? This reaction may be human nature, but that does not make it right.
At the beginning of time, man was created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). But man was tempted by Satan to sin and failed the test. Since that time humans have continued to be tempted and to fall. This is our sin nature. All people are born sinners; we are born to want to take control and have the upper hand in our lives. But we are doomed to failure.
This is why Christ came as the God/man to earth. He came to live, die, and rise again as payment for the sins of all people for all time. Only a sovereign God could possibly do such a thing and be successful! If you believe this about Christ and surrender your life to Him, you will receive the benefits of His work of salvation. You do not need to fully understand Him, just believe in Him and trust Him in all things.
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this; While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).
"Christ died for our sins .. he was buried .. he was raised on the third day .. He appeared to more than five hundred [witnesses]" (1 Corinthians 15: 3-6).
"I will put my trust in him" (Hebrews 2:13).
God, You are good, and I trust You in all things. Amen.
Day 195
"Understanding the ways of God with my little finite mind would be like a little corpuscle in my big toe trying to figure what I'm thinking in my mind," said Dr. Bill Bright. "I can trust Him; I don't have to understand."
Why do humans feel the need to understand and to be in control of everything that happens in their lives? This reaction may be human nature, but that does not make it right.
At the beginning of time, man was created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). But man was tempted by Satan to sin and failed the test. Since that time humans have continued to be tempted and to fall. This is our sin nature. All people are born sinners; we are born to want to take control and have the upper hand in our lives. But we are doomed to failure.
This is why Christ came as the God/man to earth. He came to live, die, and rise again as payment for the sins of all people for all time. Only a sovereign God could possibly do such a thing and be successful! If you believe this about Christ and surrender your life to Him, you will receive the benefits of His work of salvation. You do not need to fully understand Him, just believe in Him and trust Him in all things.
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this; While we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).
"Christ died for our sins .. he was buried .. he was raised on the third day .. He appeared to more than five hundred [witnesses]" (1 Corinthians 15: 3-6).
"I will put my trust in him" (Hebrews 2:13).
God, You are good, and I trust You in all things. Amen.
Move Beyond the "Why" - Day 194
Move Beyond the "Why"
Day 194
At some point in time, if you are to continue toward healing, you must let go of the questions. Your questions may be answered later or they may not, but it is in the process of moving toward healing that you are most likely to get the answers you want.
Margi, who lost her husband, says, "I eventually came to a point in my life where I just said to the Lord, 'I'm going to stop asking You why, and I will being asking You how. How can I use this in my life so that I will glorify You? I want to be able to use this to witness to others and encourage them through whatever it is You are trying to teach me.'"
Change your whys to hows, and seek to grow toward healing by helping other people.
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing ... Love in peace with each other ... warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else. Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not put out the Spirit's fire; do not treat prophecies with contempt. Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil.
May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it." (1 Thessalonians 5:11, 13-24).
God, it seems so hard, too hard. Help me to understand that I cannot do anything without Your enabling. You only expect me to love You and learn about You, and Your Spirit will do the rest within me and through me. Amen.
Day 194
At some point in time, if you are to continue toward healing, you must let go of the questions. Your questions may be answered later or they may not, but it is in the process of moving toward healing that you are most likely to get the answers you want.
Margi, who lost her husband, says, "I eventually came to a point in my life where I just said to the Lord, 'I'm going to stop asking You why, and I will being asking You how. How can I use this in my life so that I will glorify You? I want to be able to use this to witness to others and encourage them through whatever it is You are trying to teach me.'"
Change your whys to hows, and seek to grow toward healing by helping other people.
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing ... Love in peace with each other ... warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else. Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not put out the Spirit's fire; do not treat prophecies with contempt. Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil.
May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it." (1 Thessalonians 5:11, 13-24).
God, it seems so hard, too hard. Help me to understand that I cannot do anything without Your enabling. You only expect me to love You and learn about You, and Your Spirit will do the rest within me and through me. Amen.
Walk by Faith, Trusting God - Day 193
Walk by Faith, Trusting God
Day 193
"For we walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7 NASB).
You are called to walk by faith, especially when there are unanswered questions in your heart. You are to trust God, even when you do not have the explanations you feel you need.
Dr. Joseph Stowell says: "If you look at your problem and then look at God, you always end up throwing stones at God for the problem. If you look at God first and look at your problems through Him, through His sovereignty -- that He is in control of everything, that He has permitted this in your life for a reason, that He is a just God, that He will settle the score for you -- you will see that He is an all-powerful God who can turn this situation to that which is good and right.
"So the way to avoid the vulnerability of these nagging questions that distance you from God and make you liable for Satan's attack in the midst of your despair is to really focus on what you know to be true about God and to live in the exclamation point of that truth, not in the question marks of what you don't know about your problem."
Faithful God, I must look at You first. Teach me about Your goodness and sovereignty. Teach me to see the big picture and not just the pebbles of my unanswered questions. Lord, I'm willing to try. Amen.
Day 193
"For we walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7 NASB).
You are called to walk by faith, especially when there are unanswered questions in your heart. You are to trust God, even when you do not have the explanations you feel you need.
Dr. Joseph Stowell says: "If you look at your problem and then look at God, you always end up throwing stones at God for the problem. If you look at God first and look at your problems through Him, through His sovereignty -- that He is in control of everything, that He has permitted this in your life for a reason, that He is a just God, that He will settle the score for you -- you will see that He is an all-powerful God who can turn this situation to that which is good and right.
"So the way to avoid the vulnerability of these nagging questions that distance you from God and make you liable for Satan's attack in the midst of your despair is to really focus on what you know to be true about God and to live in the exclamation point of that truth, not in the question marks of what you don't know about your problem."
Faithful God, I must look at You first. Teach me about Your goodness and sovereignty. Teach me to see the big picture and not just the pebbles of my unanswered questions. Lord, I'm willing to try. Amen.
Limited Answers - Day 192
Limited Answers
Day 192
Here is the challenge: Do not use your suffering as a time to discover if you believe in God, but focus instead on discovering what you believe about Him. In times of suffering, God does not change, but what you believe about Him, what you understand about Him, may.
You will likely have questions to which you will never receive answers. It is human nature to want all the pieces to fit, to want to make sense of things. But there are times when that will not happen.
"I was real angry because I couldn't get answers," says Dora of her daughter's death. "I now realize that there really is no logical reason why my daughter suffered. It is what it is, and to say that she suffered and died for my betterment or for our growth does not make sense. So I've come to realize that I'll never get an answer to that question."
As a human living on this side of death, you will not receive answers that truly satisfy you. The only satisfaction will come when you accept Jesus as Lord of your life and live each day seeking to walk in His spirit.
"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known" (1 Corinthians 13:12).
God, instead of focusing on the questions, I want to start focusing on the Answer -- You. Help me to better understand Your attributes and Your plan for my life. Amen.
Day 192
Here is the challenge: Do not use your suffering as a time to discover if you believe in God, but focus instead on discovering what you believe about Him. In times of suffering, God does not change, but what you believe about Him, what you understand about Him, may.
You will likely have questions to which you will never receive answers. It is human nature to want all the pieces to fit, to want to make sense of things. But there are times when that will not happen.
"I was real angry because I couldn't get answers," says Dora of her daughter's death. "I now realize that there really is no logical reason why my daughter suffered. It is what it is, and to say that she suffered and died for my betterment or for our growth does not make sense. So I've come to realize that I'll never get an answer to that question."
As a human living on this side of death, you will not receive answers that truly satisfy you. The only satisfaction will come when you accept Jesus as Lord of your life and live each day seeking to walk in His spirit.
"Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known" (1 Corinthians 13:12).
God, instead of focusing on the questions, I want to start focusing on the Answer -- You. Help me to better understand Your attributes and Your plan for my life. Amen.
Spiritual Doubts - Day 191
Spiritual Doubts
Day 191
The death of a loved one can leave you feeling spiritually off balance.
Question God, but allow Him to work mightily in you.
Shelly's teenage son appeared to be doing well when, unexpectedly, he committed suicide. She says, "I did go through one period where I was so upset that I probably had my faith shaken to the deepest that it has ever been shaken. I said, 'Lord, it is not supposed to happen like this.' We prayed for the prodigal return. We prayed for the change around. We prayed, and it was happening. And everything was going the way it should have. Hope was restored in our hearts, and then to have this happen.
"I can remember being upset to the point of saying, 'Well, Lord, have we been believing all this in vain? Are You there, or is this just another myth like so many in our history have tried to create because they couldn't understand why things happened the way they did?' When I look over that period of questioning, I think that is probably what has caused me to grow and be so much greater a Christian."
Your greatest spiritual growth comes through your questions and trials. You may not like a situation, but often you must accept it and seek growth, not stagnation.
Is God a myth? You will find the answer to this question in an unequivocal no. Allow Him to show you His glorious power and might.
"God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast" (1 Peter 5:10).
Almighty God of the universe, forgive me when I limit You, doubt You, and expect You to fail me. I am so small compared to You, yet You love me more than I can comprehend. Amen.
Day 191
The death of a loved one can leave you feeling spiritually off balance.
Question God, but allow Him to work mightily in you.
Shelly's teenage son appeared to be doing well when, unexpectedly, he committed suicide. She says, "I did go through one period where I was so upset that I probably had my faith shaken to the deepest that it has ever been shaken. I said, 'Lord, it is not supposed to happen like this.' We prayed for the prodigal return. We prayed for the change around. We prayed, and it was happening. And everything was going the way it should have. Hope was restored in our hearts, and then to have this happen.
"I can remember being upset to the point of saying, 'Well, Lord, have we been believing all this in vain? Are You there, or is this just another myth like so many in our history have tried to create because they couldn't understand why things happened the way they did?' When I look over that period of questioning, I think that is probably what has caused me to grow and be so much greater a Christian."
Your greatest spiritual growth comes through your questions and trials. You may not like a situation, but often you must accept it and seek growth, not stagnation.
Is God a myth? You will find the answer to this question in an unequivocal no. Allow Him to show you His glorious power and might.
"God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast" (1 Peter 5:10).
Almighty God of the universe, forgive me when I limit You, doubt You, and expect You to fail me. I am so small compared to You, yet You love me more than I can comprehend. Amen.
Friday, August 2, 2013
What to Do With the Whys? - Day 190
What to Do With the Whys?
Day 190
"What do you do with the whys?" asks Kay Arthur after her husband committed suicide. She answers, "You have to lay them at the feet of Omniscience and, by faith, leave them there and say, 'If You want to show me why, God, fine. If not, I'm going to cling to who You are and what You promise.' When you're asking why, and you're in the dark, and you don't have any reasons, you are to cling to Him in hope. He is the God of all hope. The thing that you have to realize is you are here for a much larger purpose than you realize."
Hope in God, knowing that your questions may not be answered. Each day make a point to look beyond your situation to the all-knowing God of truth, who will not leave you nor fail you. Learn about His attributes and cling to them in hope. The path of life that you travel is different from what you expected, but He will guide you.
"I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them" (Isaiah 42:16).
Lord, I am truly in the dark, and it scares me. In my fear, I lash out wildly. Shine Your light in my heart. Lead me along this new path. Amen.
Day 190
"What do you do with the whys?" asks Kay Arthur after her husband committed suicide. She answers, "You have to lay them at the feet of Omniscience and, by faith, leave them there and say, 'If You want to show me why, God, fine. If not, I'm going to cling to who You are and what You promise.' When you're asking why, and you're in the dark, and you don't have any reasons, you are to cling to Him in hope. He is the God of all hope. The thing that you have to realize is you are here for a much larger purpose than you realize."
Hope in God, knowing that your questions may not be answered. Each day make a point to look beyond your situation to the all-knowing God of truth, who will not leave you nor fail you. Learn about His attributes and cling to them in hope. The path of life that you travel is different from what you expected, but He will guide you.
"I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them" (Isaiah 42:16).
Lord, I am truly in the dark, and it scares me. In my fear, I lash out wildly. Shine Your light in my heart. Lead me along this new path. Amen.
Questions Are Natural - Day 189
Questions Are Natural
Day 189
It is natural to have questions when unwanted and unexpected loss comes into your life. The more traumatic the loss, the greater the questions.
Dr. Tim Clinton says, "Not long ago when I lost my mother, I struggled with the question why. Why so early? Why so quickly? When you ask why, you are in essence validating your own humanness and realizing you are not in control."
Express your questions freely, but realize that you cannot control your life or anyone else's. The sovereign God is higher than all, and His ways are beyond comprehension.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord" (Isaiah 55:8).
Sovereign God, I have so many whys. I could go on and on, but nothing will change no matter how many times I ask. I do not understand this. I do not understand You. But I realize that I am not meant to. You, O Lord, are high above all, and I must give my questions to You once and for all. Amen.
Day 189
It is natural to have questions when unwanted and unexpected loss comes into your life. The more traumatic the loss, the greater the questions.
Dr. Tim Clinton says, "Not long ago when I lost my mother, I struggled with the question why. Why so early? Why so quickly? When you ask why, you are in essence validating your own humanness and realizing you are not in control."
Express your questions freely, but realize that you cannot control your life or anyone else's. The sovereign God is higher than all, and His ways are beyond comprehension.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,' declares the Lord" (Isaiah 55:8).
Sovereign God, I have so many whys. I could go on and on, but nothing will change no matter how many times I ask. I do not understand this. I do not understand You. But I realize that I am not meant to. You, O Lord, are high above all, and I must give my questions to You once and for all. Amen.
The Why of Death - Day 188
The Why of Death
Day 188
Right now you might not be feeling very close to God. You might be thinking, Where is God? Does God really care? How could He let this happen? What does my future hold?
Dr. Robert Jeffress shares the response of a man who lost three of his seven children through horrible deaths to leukemia: "When somebody asks him, 'How could you keep believing in a God who would allow you and your children to experience such a tragedy?', this is what he says, 'In those kinds of experiences you have two choices: You can either give up or you can keep believing in God even when it doesn't make sense. Faith means something when it's exercised in the darkness.'"
Dr. Jeffress adds his own insight: "I believe that faith means something when you don't understand the whys. I don't think God ever condemns you for asking why. But in the ultimate analysis, the question is not why but it is Who? God calls on you to believe in Him who said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me. I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live again' (John 14:6, 11:25). Ultimately you must trust in that."
Lord God, I have so many questions and doubts and feelings of guilt and blame. Where do I go from here? Lead me in Your way, truth, and life. Amen.
Day 188
Right now you might not be feeling very close to God. You might be thinking, Where is God? Does God really care? How could He let this happen? What does my future hold?
Dr. Robert Jeffress shares the response of a man who lost three of his seven children through horrible deaths to leukemia: "When somebody asks him, 'How could you keep believing in a God who would allow you and your children to experience such a tragedy?', this is what he says, 'In those kinds of experiences you have two choices: You can either give up or you can keep believing in God even when it doesn't make sense. Faith means something when it's exercised in the darkness.'"
Dr. Jeffress adds his own insight: "I believe that faith means something when you don't understand the whys. I don't think God ever condemns you for asking why. But in the ultimate analysis, the question is not why but it is Who? God calls on you to believe in Him who said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me. I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live again' (John 14:6, 11:25). Ultimately you must trust in that."
Lord God, I have so many questions and doubts and feelings of guilt and blame. Where do I go from here? Lead me in Your way, truth, and life. Amen.
Helping Children Grieve - Day 187
Helping Children Grieve
Day 187
Children can accept loss if there is something to hope for, something to look forward to. But if they view their lives as one loss after another, recovery is extremely difficult.
Here are some general guidelines in helping your children grieve:
Day 187
Children can accept loss if there is something to hope for, something to look forward to. But if they view their lives as one loss after another, recovery is extremely difficult.
Here are some general guidelines in helping your children grieve:
- Understand that children have feelings even if they do not show them. A child's initial response, like adults, is denial.
- Tell your children about the feelings you are struggling with.
- Tell them they are not responsible for the loss.
- Help them understand what has happened. Share just enough details to satisfy their questions, avoiding anything that would traumatize them.
- Be there for them. They need more than words. Your presence can help them grieve the loss.
- Help them remember the good times and encourage them to share their emotions.
- Empathize with their hurt without condoning any wrong behavior.
"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!" (Isaiah 49:15).
Lord, You love my children even more than I do. Give me the wisdom to care for them and nurture them through my grief. Amen.
Don't Hide Your Emotions - Day 186
Don't Hide Your Emotions
Day 186
Do not try to hide your feelings from your children. You will not be successful!
Think back over the past few days and identify times when you held back your true emotions and "put on a happy face" for the sake of your children. Your children are experiencing different degrees of the same feelings you are. If you cover up your emotions, your children will follow your example.
One suggestion to help your family communicate their emotions to each other is with a "Feelings Chart." Write on the chart "Today I feel .." and attach a piece of Velcro in the space after "feel." (You may want to have a space for each family member.) Then, draw faces or write down emotions on several circles of heavy paper and attach Velcro on the backs. Include as many different emotions as you can think of. Remember that younger children may need simpler words and pictures, but older children and adults will need a wide range of words to help them better identify and express their emotions.
Here are some ideas, which can be adapted to meet your needs: sad, lonely, angry, confused, guilty, bitter, rejected, helpless, afraid, worried, disappointed, resentful, jealous, inadequate, vindictive, depressed, lost abandoned, betrayed, sorrowful, better, so-so, relieved, okay, not bad, hopeful, peaceful, reassured, thankful, secure, insecure, unloved, loved, encouraged, joyful.
Each day find the emotion that best describes how you feel at any given time and place that word on the chart. Have your other family members do this as well.
God promises to be with you through all of your emotional turmoil. He also promises to comfort, heal, and strengthen you. God's Word is full of promises to you.
"There hath not failed one word of all his good promise" (1 Kings 8:56 KJV).
Thank you, Father, that You will never fail me. Help me to see the big picture beyond my tangled emotions. Amen.
Day 186
Do not try to hide your feelings from your children. You will not be successful!
Think back over the past few days and identify times when you held back your true emotions and "put on a happy face" for the sake of your children. Your children are experiencing different degrees of the same feelings you are. If you cover up your emotions, your children will follow your example.
One suggestion to help your family communicate their emotions to each other is with a "Feelings Chart." Write on the chart "Today I feel .." and attach a piece of Velcro in the space after "feel." (You may want to have a space for each family member.) Then, draw faces or write down emotions on several circles of heavy paper and attach Velcro on the backs. Include as many different emotions as you can think of. Remember that younger children may need simpler words and pictures, but older children and adults will need a wide range of words to help them better identify and express their emotions.
Here are some ideas, which can be adapted to meet your needs: sad, lonely, angry, confused, guilty, bitter, rejected, helpless, afraid, worried, disappointed, resentful, jealous, inadequate, vindictive, depressed, lost abandoned, betrayed, sorrowful, better, so-so, relieved, okay, not bad, hopeful, peaceful, reassured, thankful, secure, insecure, unloved, loved, encouraged, joyful.
Each day find the emotion that best describes how you feel at any given time and place that word on the chart. Have your other family members do this as well.
God promises to be with you through all of your emotional turmoil. He also promises to comfort, heal, and strengthen you. God's Word is full of promises to you.
"There hath not failed one word of all his good promise" (1 Kings 8:56 KJV).
Thank you, Father, that You will never fail me. Help me to see the big picture beyond my tangled emotions. Amen.
Your Child May Need Further Help - Day 185
Your Child May Need Further Help
Day 185
When children grieve, they do not have the same capacity to understand death that adults have. Be aware of any changes in your child's mood or any odd behaviors that may indicate confusion or a misunderstanding of death. Get your child to talk to you, and explore his or her fears and questions together.
Heidi shares, "About a month after my husband died, my son was very angry. My mother had come to stay with us for a while and had been there for about a month. I think his thinking was that if she'll leave, my daddy will come back. He became very angry toward her and wanted her to leave. It was at that point that I realized there was anger building up, and I didn't know how to deal with it because I was going through my own emotions. I did seek counsel for my son; we put him in counseling, and it was the most wonderful thing for him because he was able to talk out his feelings."
You may need to seek counseling for your child to help him or her open up further. Pray about this possibility, and always take time to talk to your child and teach your child about the true healing that only comes through Jesus Christ.
"God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes" (Revelations 7:17 KJV).
Savior God, healing is found in You alone. Bond my family together in the unity of Your healing love as we travel this journey of grief together. Amen.
Day 185
When children grieve, they do not have the same capacity to understand death that adults have. Be aware of any changes in your child's mood or any odd behaviors that may indicate confusion or a misunderstanding of death. Get your child to talk to you, and explore his or her fears and questions together.
Heidi shares, "About a month after my husband died, my son was very angry. My mother had come to stay with us for a while and had been there for about a month. I think his thinking was that if she'll leave, my daddy will come back. He became very angry toward her and wanted her to leave. It was at that point that I realized there was anger building up, and I didn't know how to deal with it because I was going through my own emotions. I did seek counsel for my son; we put him in counseling, and it was the most wonderful thing for him because he was able to talk out his feelings."
You may need to seek counseling for your child to help him or her open up further. Pray about this possibility, and always take time to talk to your child and teach your child about the true healing that only comes through Jesus Christ.
"God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes" (Revelations 7:17 KJV).
Savior God, healing is found in You alone. Bond my family together in the unity of Your healing love as we travel this journey of grief together. Amen.
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